Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sometimes a dream can come true!

Dreams are not just scenes we see in our sleep. Sometimes those dreams are real. How do we know that? Because Cub Club Samba is just the beginning of a dream coming to life. Often times you can have conversations with people around you and think "Oh yeah thats a great
idea" just to walk away and think "That will never happen" and other times you can have those same conversations with someone and they say "you should do it".

Of coure you would need to know someone crazy enough to actually push you to do something you thought you would never do. OR just have a co worker crazy enough to say "Hey lets do a summer talent
show and you should teach the kids what you know."

That is how Cub CLub Samba came to be. THe summer of 2010. A summer program held in a school caferteria decided to put on a small talent show to show case that talent of our tucson kids.
THis was an out of the box kind of thing. THe kids would learn dance and music! Samba Reggae to be exact. No one knew what to expect or how the kids would welcome this type of music and to our
surprise they were excited! They took one look at the shiney drums and they were hooked! To see the excitment in their eyes and how much they liked it was a breath of fresh air. Over several weeks
students from ages 5-13 learned how to play and dance Samba Reggae! We had a guest dancer come in and teach us some amazing brazilian inspired moves. All this and more was featured in our
summer talent show! It was well recieved by the parents and friends who came to watch. Although we don't think they had any idea of just how LOUD this would be =)

After the summer was over, there were no plans to really bring Samba back during the school year.That was until some crazy person saw a post asking for performers to for the Festival of Schools.
Being that the same crazy person was still working for the afterschool program, the idea was broughtup that Cub CLub should perform! WHy not? They sounded great during the summer why couldn't they do
it for this? One thing lead to another and thus Cub Club Samba was offical! We needed a name, many were thrown out there but none fit. The group made up 5-11 year olds practiced and learned.
Parents came along side  and supported us. The first offical appearence of CCS was amazing! The kids did a great job! and a dream to have a music youth group inspired by many cultures was born.

Since then our group has grown from 13 kids to 32!! We have teamed up with others from the community
to share the love of music.

The dream is to build a solid foundation based on respect for one another and for others. To inspire,youth in a positive way. To love one another, our community, our world. We are often inspired by the music
we hear, but we as the adults are most inspired by the those we teach! these kids have inspired us to live our dream and spread the love of music.

We invite you to join us in our journey which has just begun!