These last Two weeks have been nothing but FUN!.
CCS is in full Music and Dance mode. It not just exciting but a blessing to get the opportunity to work with so many young talented students through out Tucson. Being at three different locations has been a juggling act, but a fun one!
Lineweaver right now has over 28 kids 14 of them kindergartners... Who would've thought huh?! Its eye opening to see the hunger in their the eyes. The sense of accomplishment when they get a song or a routine. Pure joy!
CPLC youth center. Has been getting more and more kids each week. We still trying to find ways to get the Menlo Park Community involved since it is located in their area. We know its going to take some time we are confident that we will reach more and more kids in the Tucson community. Everything thing takes time. For now we are enjoying wotking with the kids that show up. they come in with huge smiles on their families. We especially love family participation.
CCS Mentors! Holy Moly talk about an increase! the mentor program first started last week. lets just say Alfie was blown away and was filled with excitment when 18 students walked in on the first day. Excited to learn some fun rhythms. Needless to say that on Thursday even more showed up, and they stayed for the football game as well.. Image playing for over 4 hours on your 2nd or 1st day of Drumming?!!!! They blew our minds ! WE are very excited to see where this program goes and how much these kids inspire others.
Even more exciting is CCS is teaming up with local organizations, Fed By Threads and the Hunger project. Stay tuned for more information on how we are all working together!
We are also having a special guest coming to CCS. Niniho will be in town and spending some time at the CPLC center with us. There will be a workshop, where students and their families will get to learn some drumming magic and there will be a presentation as well.
Lastly we have some amazing performances coming up!!! We hope you can all join us and cheer us on!
Dont for get to "like" us on facebook to stay updated with CCS at all times!!/CHILDRENCARRINGTHESOUND