Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You

First and foremost thank you to all of our families for all of their continued support and dedication to our Samba Group. We say this a lot but it is the truth, we couldn't have done so much and have been so successful it wasn't for our awesome samba families. We often sit and reflect on all that has happened. As directors with a small idea its mind blowing to know all that we have done and how much we have done in our community.  Never in our wildest dreams did we think we would have performed at soo many places and that people would receive us with open arms and actually like we have to offer.
This of course would not have happened without our kids. These kids have given up their time playing out on the play ground with their friends to spend hours and hours rehearsing and learning new things. They showed up to every performance excited and ready to play. Even giving up their Saturdays. We couldn't have asked for a better group this year. It is only the beginning and we have a lot of the kids returning next year and during the summer. We have 7 students leaving us and we are sad to see them go but hope that they will return to us to play again.
Our vision does not stop here, our vision is to continue to work with the community. To help those need. To bring happiness to those around us. It is our dream to be able to work with students from k-12. To keep inspiring them and to keep working to teach them respect and responsibility. To teach them how to .love one another, their community and their loved ones.
Just because this school year is coming to an end. Does not mean that Samba is coming to an end. If anything it is the beginning of a new chapter.
Thank you again to our families our friends and most of all our Samba KIDS!!

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